
Ur mom gay ur dad lesbian 🙂 Download Emoji Add using the bot

Ur mom gay ur dad lesbian

its better than ur mom gey, ur dad lesbian, ur sister a mister, ur granny tranny and ur grandpap a trap. Ur sister mister is the next level of ur granny tranny. It even beats the famous No U. Jesus gay his dad Worse than ur mom gay , ur dad lesbian and ur granny tranny Carl-“Ur mom gay” Carlos-“ Ur dad lesbian ” Carl-“ Ur granny tranny ” Carlos-“Jesus gay his dad” Carl-*explodes, goes to hell, his whole generation dies, suck dicks in hell and he has to clean up shreka butthole for the next 70years”Worse than ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian. Way worse than ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, ur granny tranny, ur gramp a tramp, ur sister a mister, and ur brother a mother combined. The most dangerous of all phrases. Embed using HTML: Copy. A greeting for gay people coined by @meganstalter in a Twitter comedy sketch. Advertise your Instagram post on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicks The absolute, downright, worst comeback in ANY type of language. Worse than ur mom gay, your daddy lesbian and your granny tranny. The most destructive comeback to date. ur dad lesbian. Your parents aren’t trying to torture you or cause you pain — they’re trying, in their misguided way, to save you from pain. 🤣🤣The most hurtful thing u could say to a human. The most destructive phrase in the English Lexicon. ) this is a new burn that superspooon came up with on ifunnyThe worst insult known to mankind. 3. Person 1:I can never be offended Person 2:ur mom gay ur dad lesbian Person 1: dies. 5. * all the animals of the world crie out in pain. This is a lethal blow. A soulcrushing comeback to "ur mom gay" Publicize your LinkedIn page on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksA deadly and a very rare insult used by the victims of "your mom gay". This insult dwarfs ur granny tranny, ur dad lesbian and ur mom gay. Prioritize seeing people who just make you feel great. Anyone who says it instantly disappears out of existence No comeback if someone says this worse the ur mom gay or ur dad lesbian and your granny tranny It's like what's in Electra's story, but with the daddy replaced with mommy, and they lick each other's pussies. stark, I don’t feel so good. Usually happens on days when you're off from school. Worse than "ur mom gey,ur dad lesbian,ur granny tranny,ur grandpap a trap,ur grandpapi big gay booty slappy". Online. The counterpart to Mamaw. Related: 50+ Best Flirty Medical Pick Up Lines for Her. ago I've spent so much time on Reddit that going to Facebook is like playing Halo on easy. A term of endearment when one doesn't have a reply to a stupid coment. The worst of all of them. Flag. Worse than "ur mom gey,ur dad lesbian,ur granny tranny,ur grandpap a trap,ur grandpapi big gay booty slappy". ur dad lesbian. If said. People: your mom gay Me with two moms: I know People: you're adopted. . Only the most motherfckn best roast. One of the eight most deadly phrases in the world. This insult dwarfs ur granny tranny, ur dad lesbian and ur mom gay. ur mom gay but so much worse. This insult dwarfs ur granny tranny, ur dad lesbian and ur mom gay. Just For Fun Personality Urmom guess whos gay ur mom: Ur mom is so fat Ur Mom Is Also Ugly:D. This phrase is the offspring of “ur mom gay” and “ur daddy lesbian,” and the breeder of it was Satan himself. Zucc: ur mom gay. common side effects of being told this include spontaneous combustion, death, death, COVID-21, erectile dysfunction and death. Way worse than ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, ur granny tranny, ur gramp a tramp, ur sister a mister, and ur brother a mother combined. jimmy: *combusts*. Every time this is said the whole universe deletes itself by 5 %. Promote your web site on Urban Dictionary in just 3 clicksthe WORST insult you can receive. Guy 1: ur gay Guy 2: ur mom gay lol Guy 1: ur dad lesbian Guy 2: ur granny tranny Guy 1: ur grandpap a trap Guy 2: ur aunty haunty Guy 1: *dies instantly* by nauroodle March 15, 2018. 1 *dies* A Word That’s Surpasses The Power Of “Ur Mom Gay”. All 12 yr olds and 9 yr olds favourite. 3. you die. Embed using HTML: Copy. No Uno Reversoes.